Friday, March 31, 2023

Address codes

CNC programming involves the use of various codes and symbols to control the movement and behavior of CNC machines. Each code and symbol serves a specific purpose within the CNC program. Here is a summary of the definitions provided:

A, B, and C These letters represent the names of different rotary axes associated with the X, Y, and Z linear axes, respectively. They are used to control the rotational movements of the machine.

D = It specifies the offset value of a cutting tool. The offset value is used to adjust the position of the tooltip relative to the tool holder.

F = This code defines the feed rate of an axis, indicating how fast the movement of the axis should be. A numeric value is used after the F code to specify the feed rate. For example, F100 means the axis movement feed or speed will be 100 mm/minute.

G = It is a preparatory function code used to define various parameters such as the coordinate system, measuring system, work offset, etc. Different G codes are selected by using a numeric value. For example, G90 expresses the Absolute measurement system, and G91 defines the Incremental measurement system.

H = This code is an auxiliary function code used for specific auxiliary functions. It is often used as an alternative to an M code. It can also be used to define the length of a cutting tool.


I, J, K = These letters are used to expressing the distance of the arc center from the arc starting point in circular interpolation. I specify the length in a specific direction relative to the X-axis, J for the Y-axis, and K for the Z-axis.

M = It represents a miscellaneous code used for various functions such as tool change, spindle control, coolant control, etc. Different M codes are followed by a numeric character to identify specific functions. For example, M03 defines spindle ON, and M07 represents coolant ON.

N = It is a program block number used to mark each program block in a CNC program. It helps to organize and identify different sections of the program.

O = This symbol followed by a number represents a program number. It is used to define a specific program with a FANUC controller. For example, O1234 or O555.

R = The R parameter is used to represent changeable values in a program, making it easier to perform complex mathematical functions. It can also define the radius for circular interpolation paths.

S = It refers to spindle addressing, followed by a numerical value indicating the spindle's rotation speed in RPM (Revolutions Per Minute). For example, S2000 determines that the spindle will rotate at 2000 RPM.

T = It refers to a cutting tool and is followed by a numeric value that identifies a specific tool. For example, T5 signifies that the number five cutting tool will be in operation for upcoming program blocks.

U, V, W = These letters represent additional linear axes that may be present in some CNC machines. They are used to control the movement of these extra axes.

X, Y, Z = These letters represent the primary axes of a CNC machine. They are associated with the coordinate axes, and the numerical values following each letter indicate the position or distance along the respective axis.

LF or ; = These symbols represent the end of a program block. The LF symbol is used in SIEMENS controllers, while the " ; " symbol is used in FANUC controllers to mark the end of a program block.

These codes and symbols form the basis of CNC programming and allow programmers to control and specify the desired actions and movements of the CNC machine.

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